Here are a few of the projects I have worked on over the years.

Personal Website
This is the very website you are on now! It is written in python using Django. It has basic account functionality, with simple blog posting abilities. Just something to be able to display basic info about me, and also some of my projects, with a potential place to document them in the future using blogs.

A lite online version of the popular Hispanic card game "Truco." Written using Django Channels and React.

Mountain Inventory
An inventory/job management system for the Mountain Woodworks woodshop. Built using Django, includes code for a wireless scanner ran off a Raspberry Pi that allows you to remotely scan out barcodes.

Gift Manager
A little web app used to solve the problem of managing what everyone is going to get everyone for christmas! Sort yourself into family's, claim gifts for other people, all the while what you are getting is hidden. Log in with a showcase user. Username: Sample1234 Password: PASSWORDWORKS1234